The Lady Den

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Girl, you're better off without him.

another gem of an entry brought to you by colleen:

Ok, so when my friend Nadia's boyfriend broke up with her a few years back (she's dating someone else now, and will probably marry him... I'll be in the wedding), I made her this cd of cheesy (but great) "you're better off without him songs" basically a reclaim your independence and you'll be fine. I decided that I want to own such a cd so I don't suck myself into only listening to celine dion or sade for a week. It's harder to think of than I thought.

Here is the list so far:
"I will survive" -Gloria Gainer
"Survivor"- Destiny's Child
"Fighter" - Christina Augilara
"99 Problems but a bitch ain't one"- Jay-Z
"Gangster's paradise" - I don't remember who it's by, but a classic on any mix
"I found Someone"- Cher.. the title doesn't tell the real message... it's more of a "I won't be alone forever" reminder
"You're So Vain" - Carly Simon (this wouldn't work for me... it was Bowman and my song... don't ask)
"Behind These Hazel Eyes" - Kelly Clarkson... maybe not the best for the cd, but could work
"Stronger" - Britney Spears

Judge all you'd like, but I think music can really help get you through shitty times. A few breezes through Alanis Moresette's "You Oughtta Know" will get you right through the angry phase with a dude. (Which if anyone else can come up with some gems for that phase, it would also be helpful). I just want to be prepared with a mixed tape for all of my friends (and my own) needs. You know, guy breaks up with girl, girl gets sad, girl eats Ice cream and listens to the light 93.9 and is quoted "we did almost have it all Vanessa Williams, we did" or "He was meant for me, and I was meant for him Jewel" and finally end up with, "Phil Collins it is against all odds, but thats the chance I'm going to take"... that results in calling this character for another chance resulting in a more humiliating break up and pulling yourself to listening to "your song" on repeat... not changing your pajamas or getting out of bed for anything but food and bathroom breaks.

Then you have a girlfriend come by... she may have this magical cd, and you find yourself "Stronger than yesterday", maybe you'll change out of your pajamas because "you will survive" you are a "fighter"... I mean, you got "99 other problems, but a bitch ain't one" at least you haven't "been spending most your life living in a gangster's paradise". Then you will realize that you are mad at yourself for wasting your time on that f-er and you want him to pay, remember when he "told you he'd hold you until he died, but... he's still alive... he ought to know". And two days later you are "laughing and dreaming" with Boston's "More than a feeling" and you are healthier than that crazy girl on those Nokia commercials, "David who? HAHAHAHAHA [uncomfortable, desperate laugh]".

So, if you guys have any suggestions, they are appreciated. Otherwise, I can just recommend hard core rap during this devastating time.

This *** character "oughtta know" better. If you need to "scratch your nails down someone else's back so he feels it," I'm down.

Your very dear friend,

Delilah From the lite 93.8 WLIT


  • At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alanis Morissette is an old school bitch.


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